Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Reflection Point : What Have I Learnt About Magazine Contents Pages?

 Magazine contents pages usually feature an obvious reference to the coverlines featured on the front page as they will usually have engaged readers meaning they then go to have a look at the contents page to decide whether or not to purchase it. Therefore, by presenting these obviously it allows a consumer to clearly locate where in the magazine these are while also seeing all the other content offered by the magazine at the same time. The coverlines of these content pages usually appear in stark contrast and stand out from the background to allow readers to see the content which will entice and engage them to increase the overall sales of the magazine.

These contents pages usually feature images related to a key story to further interest the reader by drawing their attention and focus to this image. It allows for the magazine to highlight one coverline to the audience and to further engage potential consumers who are unsure if they wish to purchase the magazine. On occasion, the colour scheme of the contents page mirrors that of the main image to further integrate it into the page, however the majority of the time its similar throughout whether that be a house style or representative of the masthead which allows the magazine to be easily recognisable for returning audiences.

The contents pages are usually structured by the coverlines in the order that they appear in the magazine which provides a sense of familiarity as the chronology makes the layout easily understandable for an audience. Moreover, the contents page essentially acts as a hub for the chosen coverlines it highlights and through the integration of page numbers it serves as a page that consumers can return to in order to navigate to the content that engages them the most. The content page is necessary to fulfil the purpose of a magazine where audiences are likely to consume only the media which engages them most and through this section they can easily locate these coverlines.

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